Since I was a child, I loved creating things that had lots of color and character. When I found out about graphic design, I knew it was something I wanted to major in. Design is important to me because it helped me improve my skills as an artist, and helped open my mind to endless possibilities and methods to use for my art. Being able to see how a simple design could look in various ways to capture the eye and minds of consumers with detail and color. Illustration is just as important to me because it is part of my childhood. I drew a lot while growing up. I would draw my imaginary friends and the characters I'd see in the leaves of trees, ripples in water, and figures in the clouds. Illustration was a gateway for me to translate whatever my mind's eye saw to life.
When I am working on a piece, it's like time stops and the creative flow takes over. I won't think about anything. It would just be me and the project I'm currently working on. The process is so much fun because you get to watch yourself create something incredible that came from your imagination. Once I've finished a project, I am happy because I was able to bring what was inside my mind to life for others to also see and enjoy.
I love to travel! I have been to several places around the world. Such as: Mexico, Austria, England, Spain, Ireland, Australia, and a few states in the U.S. It's like jumping into a new world filled with new cultures, colors, sounds, tastes, and people. It's exciting!!!

Along with creating art, I also like to create costumes from what ever I can find in my closet. I like to create character costumes for myself whenever I go to conventions, costume parties, and my favorite holiday - Halloween. I love dressing up because it is so much fun seeing how you can bring a character to life and have them walk amongst people; other than bring them to life on a piece of paper or a computer screen.